Our Partners

The Peace Action, Training and Research Institute of Romania (PATRIR) has nearly two decades of experience working internationally in peacebuilding; early warning systems; strategic conflict and risk analysis; mediation and peace processes; and addressing radicalization and violent extremism. The institute works in the fields of research, policy development, training and professional development, and provides direct operational engagement in early warning, prevention and peacebuilding in areas affected by war and armed conflict. PATRIR is an initiator and member of the global partnership of organizations, think tanks, and institutes in the Beyond Violent Extremism platform gathering best practices, lessons identified, tools and methods for addressing radicalization and violent extremism. PATRIR is also a member of the Working Group on Prevention of the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC) and the Global Alliance on Armed Violence Reduction and Prevention (GAAV) – platforms which facilitate exchange and learning of best practices, tools and methodologies; development of handbooks and toolkits; and analysis of drivers, causes and factors contributing to violent extremism, terrorism, armed conflict and armed violence.