Create Your Story

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Create Your Story

Our lives are made up of stories. The stories define who we are and what we think of the world around us.

A genuine story has the power to shift perspectives. It can bring about the truth in a space filled with lies, it can move hardhearted people, it can make strangers come together to defend it, and it can scatter hate.


What is an extremist narrative?

An extremist narrative is a system of stories that collectively provides a coherent worldview for the purpose of supporting individuals, groups, or movements in the furthering of their illegal violence and violence-assisting activities).

(RAN collection, 2019)

Possibility of radicalisation?

Link to radicalisation

Although the link between extremist ideas and violence is contested and variable, exposure to extremist narratives is undeniably critical to the process of radicalisation.

(RAN collection, 2019)

Online Guide

For more information

Do you want to learn more about the risks and the process of radicalisation?
Check out our online guide here: (IBS IOG)

What do these extremist narratives offer?

Social comfort

A sense of belonging


The language used tries to empower the reader


An easy solution for complex problems

No responsibility

Often they blame a selected group for the problems of a society

In disguise within the community

Recognising Extremism

It is not easy to recognise extremism online. Radicalised people and extremist organisations often try to build a community by providing young people with different types of social events: for example concerts or sport events.

Are you in danger?

Make sure you are not!

At first glance, you might not even be aware what it is about, that you became a target of a recruitment process.

Read carefully our guide on "How to recognise extremism online" (CESIE IOG)
Put your knowledge in use!

Time for taking action

Now that you know what extremism is and how to recognise it online, it is high time to be BRAVE and start your own mission: fight against extreme narratives.

To that end you can design either “counter” narratives or “alternative” narratives.

Take Action

Counter narratives

Counter narratives directly dispute and reject what extremist organisations find to be the one and only truth.

For example, they might share posts about how the activities of Roma/Jewish/Muslim community undermine the values and destroy the culture of the country. They spread messages which fuel adverse emotions, enmity, hatred and try to convince you that you, your whole generation and the entire society are in danger.

What can you do against them?


At this point, nothing else helps, but FACTS and ARGUMENTS which strip the messages of emotions and contradict to the allegations by realities

Take action

Extremist narratives

Extremist narratives tend to pick the doomsday card and try to convince you that danger is everywhere.

But: Did it ruin your Christmas that you have new neighbours, who settled down in your country, because they find a new job here? Couldn’t you bake your favourite cake that you prepared as a child together with your grandmother? Ohhh, no.

Who to blame?

Shifting responsibility

Spreading fear is always the easy way to highlight some difficulty and finding a group to blame is seemingly the solution. But such approach shifts the responsibility to others only without solving the problem. Because you do not have to take responsibility for your own life. It is easier to blame someone else.

Take Action

Alternative narratives

Alternative narratives help us to change the whole situation. Basically, it is not about getting into debates with extremist posts, articles and videos. Instead of arguing why they are wrong, you create an alternative which reflects your way of thinking.

What not to do

Do not communicate in such a way that “I am against exclusion”.

Change the game. By reacting to an extremist post, let everyone know that you are here for promoting human rights for everyone, that you support minority groups or stand up for the excluded ones.

Learn More

Do you want to learn more?

How technology can fight extremism and online harrassment

A global culture to fight extremism

Germany's most involuntary charity walk

Trojan T-Shirt / EXIT-Deutschland

Make a change by your actions

Learn more about some BRAVE persons

Please check our Playlist for Democracy, and the personal story of 20 people who work hard day after day to build a safe and happy environment for all of us.

How to be BRAVE online

A guide


Being BRAVE doesn’t mean being reckless. You should always know your own strengths and weaknesses and be aware of your capabilities. Be aware of the risks of online bullying which may lead to verbal attacks, or even threats to physical violence. Be BRAVE, but also, be SMART!

Act Quickly

Radicalisation eventually may lead to physical violence. This should be stopped, and the sooner the better. The earlier you step in the better chance you have to counter radical views in a calm manner. Having a relaxed discussion will make de-radicalisation easier as opposition will be less aggressive.

Get Help

If you stand up against radicalisation as a community, your actions will be more powerful and visible. Families are at the core of any individual’s resilience… Friends and teachers are also helpful. Police involvement might also be necessary. Think about who specifically can help you stand up and fight back. This could be someone close to you or close to people with extreme views.

Build Tailored Counter-Narratives

Your priority in building counter-narratives should be to sow seeds of doubt. Find out what they value and why this has a radicalising effect on them, and then use their values to build a new narrative. Not all extremists are motivated by the same factors, but there is always a pattern. It starts with intolerance towards others and then continues with the organisation of in-groups and out groups. But if you understand the extremist’s perspective, you can change it.

Long-term Engagement

Maintaining contact on a regular basis is necessary to a successful intervention. Counter-narratives are a long-term strategy. Remember that success is seldom achieved overnight. Extremists often lack community outside their radical groups, so providing them with an alternative is very valuable. Be realistic with your expectations to avoid disappointment.

Be Kind and Build Trus

Radical communities help reinforce hate towards “out-group” members. But conversation with ‘others’ works better when we trust each other. Find views you agree on, and be respectful of differences. This way it will be obvious that you are acting in good faith. It is far easier to change someone’s mind if they respect you, so give them a reason to respect you.

Counter-narrative Campaign

An online guide

Building your own counter-narrative campaign on a shoestring

So, you have decided that you want to start a campaign to counter extremist narratives. Great! But in doing this you will likely have to compete with many talented, charismatic and resourceful extremist influencers. But don’t worry, if you are reading this you have chosen to take them on even if you only have a shoestring budget, and this guide will give you the best tips and tricks to overcome this obstacle. After reading this, with a little practice you should be more talented, charismatic and resourceful than your competitors.

Perspectives & Context


What do you want others to know? What story will make the world a better place? What is your view of things? It is up to you to make your voice be heard. Start creating your story that will make the misleading or hateful messages evaporate like smoke. Own the narrative.

Deconstructing extremist narratives

Learn more about narratives in our video and get a better understanding on what extremism is. The video helps you to recognise when you face extremist ideologies online or in the real world and provides you with ideas on how to react to them.

Polarisation - what is it? How is it related to the refugee crisis?

Find out what polarization is and how threatening with refugees has changed Poles’ attitudes towards refugees.

What is an extremist narrative?

In this video you will discover what an extremist narrative is and you will understand how the extremist narratives are created. It includes the definition of Extremism, examples from day- to-day life and the types of extremist narratives (simple & emotional) and their methods.

This is the first video from Do One Brave Thing tutorial series on developing counter-narrative campaigns.

Effective counter-narrative campaigns

In this video you will discover what it actually means to create an effective counter-narrative campaign and the 5 main steps it involves: Structure, Characters, Context, Character Development and Meaning. The video also goes more into depth, presenting each of these steps and how to implement them in order to have a successful counter-narrative campaign.

This is the second video from Do One Brave Thing tutorial series on developing counter narrative campaigns.

Identifying the extremist narrative you want to counter

From the 3rd video you will understand why and when it’s important to do a brave thing and counter extremist narratives. The definition and threat of Group Polarisation also comes up and it’s explained with real-life examples, in order to give a context, but also guidance to youth on how to counter extremist narratives.

This is the third video from Do One Brave Thing tutorial series on developing counter narrative campaigns.

Using resources effectively when campaigning

Now that you understand the meaning of extremism, how you can identify it and most importantly, how you can counter it and you decide to start and draft your campaign, this video will help you plan and use your resources effectively.

This is the fourth video from Do One Brave Thing tutorial series on developing counter narrative campaigns.

How to maximise the impact of your campaign

Our previous videos have shown you how to create an effective counter narrative campaign, now we show you how to maximize the impact of your campaign.

The actual steps on how to do this, are listed during the video:

  1. Always adapt to the reality of your audience and always keep in mind your final goal;
  2. Make it visual;
  3. Brand your campaign;
  4. Engage with your audience;
  5. Pay attention to moderation when going online;
  6. Do not underestimate the power of onsite campaigning;
  7. Constantly monitor, evaluate and adapt your campaign.

These are also explained on how to best implement them to have a successful and impactful campaign.

#DoOneBraveThing: polarisation and extremist narratives

This video is a part of the #DoOneBraveThing tutorial videos series, designed and recorded in the course of Do One Brave Thing project, funded by the European Union’s Internal Security Fund — Police.

What do we mean by “polarisation”? Can polarisation lead to extremism? What are extremist narratives and why do they work? In the first video of the #DoOneBraveThing series, Aleksandra Sawa, Institute of Social Safety’s expert, talks about polarisation and extremist narratives.

#DoOneBraveThing: 5 types of extremist narratives

What kind of stories (narratives) do extremists use? What emotions do they play on? In the second video of the #DoOneBraveThing series, Jacek Mazurczak, Institute of Social Safety’s expert, presents 5 kinds of narratvies that extremists often use to attract an audience and push their message.

#DoOneBraveThing: effective counter- and alternative narratives

Can we prevent radicalization with social campaigns? What makes a campaign work? How do counter-narrative campaigns differ from those based around alternative narratives? In the third video of the #DoOneBraveThing series, Aleksandra Sawa, Institute of Social Safety’s expert, talks about delivering effective counter- and alternative narratives

#DoOneBraveThing: designing your own social impact campaign

How to design your own social campaign? How to narrow down your target audience, how to choose the right platform? In the fourth film from the #DoOneBraveThing series, Aleksandra Sawa, Institute of Social Safety’s expert, talks about important aspects to take into consideration when planning your own social (micro)campaign.

#DoOneBraveThing : using social media for social impact campaigns

How to choose the best social media platform for your campaign? How to maximise the reach and engagement on your posts? In the fifth video from the #DoOneBraveThing series, Agnieszka Banaś, Head of Social Media in the WALK group, talks about how to maximise the potential of various social media platforms for your social (micro)campaign.

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